Hair Growth & Extensions

Here's the update all the women are looking for when wondering how fast their hair will grow out and what your options are!  Patience has never been a strong point of mine, and my hair is growing out painfully slow.  I tried very hard to like my hair as it was growing out--after all, I'm happy to just have hair period.  But I still hated how it looked.  I wanted my "girl" hair back.  I realize very short haircuts are in style right now, and a lot of people are willingly going and getting their hair cut shorter than mine currently is; but I would not have been one of those people to have chosen a super short cut.  I simply don't like how they look on me.  They look absolutely fabulous on other women, but I don't feel it's for me!

So, after some deliberation, I decided to take the leap and get some human hair extensions.  I went to the Charles Penzone Grande Salon in Dublin, Ohio.  My super fabulous stylist is Angelique, and I just LOVE her.  She is an amazing woman, and she did a fabulous job.  She used Hairdreams Quikkie Extensions.  Since my hair is still pretty short all over my head, I had to have 21 extensions used.  They last about 4 months, and I'll have to get them removed and moved back up my hair shaft (they are against my scalp at the moment, but as my hair grows, they will move down).  I was in the chair for about an hour and a half from start to finish.  This included inserting the extensions and cutting them into the style I wanted. 

Below are photos that show my before and after.  I took this photo the morning of my appointment to show how my own hair looked before getting them, and the second photo is with the new extensions.  Because they are 100% human hair, I can curl, straighten, or style any way I want. 


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  2. I found you via google - thank you for your blog! Especially the pictures of your skin each day during rads. I am going through treatment right now and it really helps to know what to expect.


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