3 Weeks Post Radiation Update

Hello to all my readers!  It's been a while since I've updated my blog.  To be honest, I needed a small break.  I did my best to update it regularly every week through all my radiation treatments, and it became quite a job to keep up with.  It was nice to take a little break, and things have been very busy at my job. 

I am doing VERY well, and my skin healed very fast as soon as I stopped getting radiation.  I'm very pleased with how my skin looks now as you can barely see the line along my rib cage that was so obvious before.  I feel so very fortunate to have recovered so quickly.  I've included some photos I've taken along the way since I stopped getting radiation so you can see the progression of how my skin healed. 

You will see my skin looks perfectly normal now, so take heart.  You will look normal again.  My left breast is still a little tighter than my right.  This is related to the radiation on that breast and how my skin and muscles reacted to it, but I stretch it every day, and it's getting better.  It doesn't look as high or tight as it did the last two weeks of treatment. 

1.5 Weeks Post Radiation

3 Weeks, 3 Days Post Radiation

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